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Why Should I Lease Equipment?

As businesses prepare to compete and grow in a new millennium, many are searching for proven new ways to address their equipment financing challenge.  The old ways wont meet today's and tomorrow's needs.  The choice for many businesses is clear: equipment leasing

Equipment Leasing Association research shows that eight out of 10 U.S. companies lease some or all of their equipment.  Of all the ways to acquire equipment, leasing is the method most frequently used for all equipment types.  In fact, almost any type of equipment can be leased - from copiers, computers, telephone systems to trucks, trailers, and construction equipment. 

Choosing to leases is a smart way to acquire equipment. There are three ways to acquire equipment - you can choose whichever way fits with your company's needs

bulletYou can select the equipment by working with a vendor or a manufacturer, which offers leasing.
bulletYou can select and order the equipment and then seek financing through a lessor.
bulletYou can obtain the equipment directly through a lessor.

Email: bill@lutzleasing.com with questions                                                                                 Fax: 704-487-7928